Junior Design

Bluetooth SCARA Arm


For my Junior Design project at OSU, my team pioneered the Bluetooth SCARA Arm project. Given that we brought the idea to the course, we had more freedom to take the project in the direction we desired. We opted for controlling the arm with an iPad app, opening potential for future features like printing a digital sketch drawn with Apple Pencil, or drawing SVG files on paper.


  • Draws user-generated designs on an 8.5"x11" sheet of paper.
  • Arm Controller app connects via Bluetooth or USB.
  • Arm Controller app displays a live preview of progress, using data received from the Arduino controller.

Project Video


iPad App

Connects via Bluetooth or USB, to control the position of the arm and receive the resulting position to display a live preview of progress. Data structures support undeveloped features (see Project Summary Video for more).

  • UIKit
  • Core Bluetooth
  • PeerTalk

App Demo

macOS App

Enables USB connectivity between iPad and Arduino, using PeerTalk.

  • AppKit
  • PeerTalk

Arduino Controller

Manages switching between Bluetooth and USB control, parses protocol messages, and passes coordinates to arm-controlling functions.
